MCDA RoundTables Across Minnesota
National Career Development Week November 12-16, 2018

To honor National Career Development Week, November 12-16, 2018, the Minnesota Career Development Association (MCDA) is hosting RoundTable discussions in multiple locations across the state.

These informal professional development and networking events will focus on the topic Emotional Intelligence & the Job Search and are free for career practitioners from all backgrounds to attend. You are invited to attend the RoundTable closest to you, and/or participate in the online discussion. Choose the location and date that work best for you!

RoundTable Description: Emotional Intelligence & the Job Search
Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, is considered the best predictor of success, even more so than IQ. In today’s competitive and uncertain world, EQ competencies are more important than ever. The true test of EQ is being able to successfully demonstrate it under stressful situations, such as career/job transition.

During this RoundTable, we will discuss what EQ is and is not; a model of EQ; how EQ plays out positively and negatively in career/job transition and in the workplace; and strategies for helping our clients, students and ourselves with this very important competency.

Local facilitators will lead a discussion and participants will learn and share resources with each other.

Locations and dates are:

round-table, red chairsThe November RoundTables, like each of MCDA?s monthly RoundTables, are open at no-charge to career counselors and advisors, personal and professional coaches, employment specialists, career services staff, K-12 school counselors, recruiters and human resources professionals. You do not need to be a MCDA member to attend.

MCDA’s mission is to promote the well-being of our members by providing professional growth, community, and voice to influence, and advocate for, the field of career development. For membership and event information, go to:

Career practitioners interested in leading a future RoundTable can contact Shelley Jensen-Decker at